January 30, 2020

What I LOVE!

So with the launch of my new website I thought this might be a good opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a little about myself and the things I love.

I was born and raised in the country by my parents who decided to escape the city  lights for the still country nights.

They moved out to Parkes NSW 2 months before I  was born with my brother and sister.

It is only now I can really appreciate how bad ass that really was.  

My childhood was full of adventure & fun. Growing up on the land gave me the love of wide open spaces & the feeling of escaping the world.    

When I was 19, my local lad boyfie.. (now husband) and I took our own adventure and  drove off into the sunset to sunny Queensland. Where our like turned into love. 

After years of fun in the sun & travel we made the decision to return to the country.  Moving back to the farm to start our own family and settle into a life full of  contentment & love.    

Things I know!  

Our family has loved and lost and learnt some hard lessons. The importance of  embracing life, and never taking a person or moment for granted.   Let life slow down and appreciate what we have and the moments we have them.      

What I love! 

My wonderful children. they are prime examples of life lovers & constant reminders to be wild & free. My husband he truly is my best friend & not a day goes by that we don’t laugh together. 

Other things I love!

Films. If I could go to the cinema every day I would.

Music. Let’s be honest music is life. Side note: I think choosing music for films would be second best job ever. (after photographer of course.)

I love whiskey.  Not the kind you mix with cola. Single malt baby).

I love a freshly brewed coffee.

I  love things that have a story. Most of my furniture is preloved or antiques. Speaking of furniture I  also love moving my furniture around so a space feels new or different.

I love the  idea of being a minimalist but I am way to sentimental. I literally have every ticket from every concert or festival I’ve been to. Also If you’ve ever sent me a card. guess what I’ve still got it.  

I love log fires in the winter and a BBQ with friends in the summer.

I love adventure and travel. emerging yourself in another culture or country.

I love entertaining & putting on a good cheese platter, served with a glass of wine. My choice of wine is Shiraz.

I love when you meet someone for the first time and realise you have the same sense of humor.

I Love photos! I love losing myself in old family albums. I love taking photos and racing home to look over the magic that was captured. I love crumpled up photo booth prints in my wallet & amazing aaron slims artwork on the wall. I love photos captured on the iPhone & photos on the expensive camera. I really really love photos that my 3 year old has taken of her toys.

All these are moments in time that will be tangible forever.

L x

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